I won?! I won! I won! Thank you from the bottom of my ever-loving, ever-creative heart! I'm so excited, delighted, & tickled! Whoop!

I just returned from QuiltCon and I'm spilling over, my cup is so full. The creativity, the connection, the supportive community, all added to a spectacular experience of celebrating the act of sewing. God, I'm inspired more than ever to listen to my intuition and make art.

The vibe was electrifying and women were beaming with pride wearing their handmade garments. A fabric designer team of women, called Ruby Star Society, rolled out a pink carpet at 4 pm and everyday had a fashion theme where participants could walk the runway and show off their me-mades. The crowd cheered and hooted and hollered for each person and everyone was beaming with pride or admiration. It was a celebration, an honoring, a support system, for everyone there.

So, I'm ready to bust out my sewing supplies and get busy. So many things to make, so I better be strategic with my time. "This girl is on fire!" is my new theme song.

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I love this! I’m so happy that Quiltcon fed your soul and inspired you! It all sounds amazing (and I can’t wait to hear more in person!) Don’t you wish everyone had a place they could go and be with their people, that was so positive and affirming? You are on fire, girl, and I’m glad to hear it. I wanna see what you’re gonna make!

Yes, you won! To be fair, I probably didn’t give enough time for folks to respond, since I was leaving on my trip, so the odds of winning were good. But you, my friend, won the coin toss fair and square! Now you have to see me so I can give you the book! 😘

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